What’s on - from Thursday March 6

What's on.What's on.
What's on.

HORSHAM CHAMBER CHOIR: Meets every Thursday 8 - 10pm. St Leonard’s Church, Cambridge Road, Horsham. We perform three concerts per season plus Cathedral recitals, exploring the vast and varied chamber choir repertoire. Friendly all-age group that extends a warm welcome to new members. Contact: Sarah Russell: [email protected].

WALK: All welcome. Meet 10am Roosthole Forestry Commission car park, Hammerpond Road, Horsham (TQ208298). 4½ mile circular, free HDC Health walk, gentle slopes, no stiles. No dogs, 2 hours. Daniela 01403 276973 or Alex 273751.


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TWINNING: If you want to know more about the Horsham Twinning Association please join us at the AGM at the Unitarian Church in Horsham. We are twinned with Lage in Germany and St.-Maixent-l’Ecole in France and always welcome new members. Enquiries: membership secretary [email protected], 7.30pm.

WALK: All welcome. Meet in the car park at Southwater Country Park (off Cripplegate Lane) at 11am. Easy, flat, circular, sociable HDC Health Walk along bridleways, lanes and the Downs Link. 2½ miles. 1 hour. Pat 01403 240654.


PIPE ORGANS: Crawley & Horsham District Organists’ Association will visit Lancing College Chapel at 2.30pm. There will be chance to hear and play the chapel’s two pipe organs. For further information please e-mail [email protected] or phone 01403 266381.

WALK: 5 mile, mostly flat, circular, HDC Health walk over meadows and gentle wooded slopes of Denne Park. Some stiles. Lovely views of Horsham. Meet 10:30am in front of St Mary’s Church, Horsham. No dogs. 2½ hours. Daniela 01403 276973 or Alex 273751.


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HAYWARDS HEATH: The Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Sussex presents The Phantom Comes to The Birch. 2.45pm at The Birch Hotel, Lewes Road, Haywards Heath. Stephen John Davis, baritone, who has played the lead in Phantom of the Opera in the West End, as well as many other roles such as Emile de Becque in South Pacific at the Lincoln Center, New York, will sing and speak about his life on the stage. He is a noted Gilbert & Sullivan performer, and has played several parts for New D’Oyly Carte in London, as well as at the International Festival in Buxton. Further information from 01444 456227 or visit www.gilbertandsullivantoday.org.uk.

WALK: 5 mile, easy going, circular, sociable, HDC Health walk towards West Chiltington Common and through WS Golf Course. Start at 10am. Glebe Surgery car park, Monastery Lane, Storrington (TQ084144). Dogs allowed on a lead. Mick 01903 745971.


LECTURE: Steyning Decorative and Fine Arts Society: The next meeting is on March 10 when Ann Clements, lecturer, researcher and cataloguer, will give an illustrated lecture on All the World’s a Stage – how western painters have explored the world of entertainment. This is the local branch of NADFAS. The group meets on the second Monday of each month at The Steyning Centre by Fletchers Croft Car Park opposite St Andrews Church, Church Street, Steyning. Members and visitors (donation of £5) are warmly welcomed with coffee at 10am followed by our meeting 10.30-noon. For information call 01903814390 or 01903 812232.


PYECOMBE: Mid Sussex Ramblers, Pyecombe and Devils Dyke Circular, 7 to 8 miles with Pam B 01444 248717. Meet at Pycombe old A23 northern end, 10.30am March 11.


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BRIDGE: Come and play at the Wheatsheaf Inn, Broad Street, Cuckfield from 2 to 5pm. The event is organised by Haywards Heath U3A for over 60s but we would welcome any younger types interested in this fascinating card game. No admission fee - just turn up. For further details phone 01444 455430.

FRENCH: The Mid-Sussex Franco-British Society. The March 2014 meeting of the Mid-Sussex Franco-British Society, 8-10pm in the Function Suite, Clair Hall, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath. Illustrated talk in French: Journaliste et présentatrice au service mondial de la BBC ‘Africa Turns Green’. All members and visitors are most welcome. For further information, please contact the Secretary, Mrs. Barbara Stevens, on 01444 452385. The annual Society membership fee is £25, payable in September. Visitor’s fee is £4 per evening, payable at meetings.

WALK: Every Wednesday. Meet 10.30am at the Bandstand in the Carfax. 1½ mile flat, sociable, HDC Health Walk on hard-surfaced paths in the Park. Suitable for the elderly and those recovering from illness, operation or accident. Dogs on a lead. 1 to 1½ hours. Wyn 01403 256630.

HORSHAM Geological Field Club, 7pm for 7.30pm. The Forest School, Horsham. ‘Medicinal and Magical Minerals’. Talk by Dr Chris Duffin. Visitors very welcome.