L-R, Arida, Mary, Jo and Kathy (Photo by Jon Rigby)L-R, Arida, Mary, Jo and Kathy (Photo by Jon Rigby)
L-R, Arida, Mary, Jo and Kathy (Photo by Jon Rigby)

In pictures: New tea room opens in Eastbourne town centre

A new tea room has opened up in Eastbourne town centre.

Jojo’s Tea Room opened in Seaside Road on Saturday, August 19, with owner Jo Lindsay taking over the lease of the site for six years.

Miss Lindsay, who moved to Eastbourne from Barnet in London to set up the tea room, said: “I am very happy and the people who have come in have given me a good buzz. A lot of people have given me ideas on what else to do, so that is great.”

The owner explained that she used to visit the town often with her parents – who she is hoping will also move to Eastbourne soon.

She added: “I have had a few people come back which is good. They have come back and there are tourists that are staying here, a couple, and they are coming in here everyday which is good.

“It has all been very positive. We have had no negatives which is great. Everybody likes the atmosphere, the feel, the look and the food, which is great.”

The business is offering afternoon teas including a selection of sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam, and a variety of cakes.

Miss Lindsay said she has already sold a lot of afternoon teas and has even been taking bookings from customers for future weekends.

She added: “I am very excited and looking forward to it [the future] and the staff that I have got are absolutely brilliant. They are very enthusiastic and helpful.”

The owner explained that she used to visit the town often with her parents – who she is hoping will also move to Eastbourne soon.

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