Bellerbys College Brighton

Bellerbys College Brighton, 1 Billinton Way, Brighton BN1 4LF

1 Billinton Way

Brighton BN1 4LF

01273 339200

Pupils (14-19) 888


Type Day and full boarding

Bellerbys College is a modern co-ed boarding school with exceptional facilities and a high level of pastoral care. Accommodation is provided on site in a purpose-built boarding facility for 378 students mainly in en-suite single rooms and also in homestays. The school offers Wi-Fi and interactive classrooms, an on-site cafeteria, internet cafe, and a well-stocked library.

Termly boarding fees £8,050 to £13,730

Termly day fees £6,410 to £8,580

Scholarships and bursaries available

2015 A-levels

Year 13 98

A-level entries 358

Grade A*, A or B 287 - 80.2% (3 of 4)

Grade A* 76 - 21.2% (2 of 4)

Grade A 120 - 33.5% (3 of 4)

Grade B 91 - 25.4%

2014 A-levels

A-level students: 80

At least three with AAB in key subjects: 35%

A-level points per student: 872.6 (4 of 4)

Headteacher Simon Mower

"Bellerbys College successfully meets its core aim. It provides a good quality of education which enables most students to make good progress and to move into the higher education system in the United Kingdom, exemplified by the good results achieved in public examinations and the vast majority of older students securing places at university. Teachers show commitment to their students, who affirm that they appreciate the unstinting support provided by the staff. Systems for monitoring students' academic progress are outstanding."

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