Council looks for views on school admission

DO YOU have a child between the ages of 2 and 16? If so, West Sussex County Council wants your views on its proposed Admission Arrangements for schools for entry in September 2013.

The council says it welcomes views on:

- Admission numbers for all schools

- Key dates in the admissions process

- The proposed over-subscription criteria for all Community and Voluntary Controlled schools

- Sixth form arrangements

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- Changes to catchment areas for Kingslea and Heron Way Primary Schools in Horsham

- A small change to the catchment areas of Funtington, Chidham and Southbourne schools, and

- Minor changes to catchment areas in Haywards Heath.

People can view the consultation at and use an on-line response form. For a printed copy they can call 0845 075 1007.

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Local Voluntary Aided or Foundation schools and Academies will also be consulting if they are proposing any changes to their admission arrangements. Parents should contact their local school directly for a copy.

The consultation closes on Thursday March 1.

Peter Griffiths, West Sussex Cabinet Member for Education and Schools, said: “It is very important to know the views of as many parents as possible, so I would encourage them to take part in this important consultation.”