Miniature Memories horse therapy in EastbourneMiniature Memories horse therapy in Eastbourne
Miniature Memories horse therapy in Eastbourne

PICTURES: Land needed for ‘vital’ horse therapy sessions in Eastbourne

A woman who runs free horse therapy sessions with autistic children needs a small patch of land to keep going.

Kate Humphreys has been running the Miniature Memories therapy sessions with her horses to help autistic children for the last three years. She has never asked for money for the sessions and works with Hazel Court School for children with special needs.

Kate said she started working with one class of children and now ‘it’s built up to The Southfield Trust wanting [her] to work with seven of its academies’. She said: “It’s amazing to see what happens with them, this therapy really helps them. They’re the most adorable children.”

Kate stressed she isn’t looking for free land, she just needs an accessible couple of acres to run the therapy sessions on as she already pays for a yard to keep the horses, equipment and insurance. She said: “I’ve knocked on doors but I can’t find any land.”

Eastbourne Borough Council leader David Tutt: “Katie has a fantastic track record of helping special needs youngsters to gain confidence by engaging with her horses. Many parents are happy to endorse her work, but she currently finds herself with a desperate need to find land for the horse to graze on, if she can’t relocate them she is likely to have to cease this important work. I would therefore ask anyone who has suitable land available which they could lease to her to get in touch and help to ensure that she can continue to improve the lives of some very special youngsters.”

Lots of people praise Kate very highly for the work she does and have written to Cllr Tutt themselves. Kate says she also has backing from health professionals, local businesses, and schools.

Sadie Belgrave’s six-year-old son Jude has cerebral palsy and was able to groom Fred the horse from his wheelchair. Sadie wrote in her letter to Cllr Tutt: “Kate is a wonderful, warm and kind human being and it would be so sad if she wasn’t able to continue to help children in the way she has helped our son and expand her services. Kate is an asset to the local disabled community.”

Victoria Brown has three autistic children. She said: “They all struggle with different aspects of life, but I was amazed at how much the horses helped them all in different ways. My two daughters are always asking when can they go and see the horses again as they miss them terribly. We would give anything for Katie to be able to carry on giving horse therapy to children that really need it.”

Mary Cross’s daughter Eva has visited Kate for horse therapy sessions for years. Mary said: “Kate offers a unique therapeutic experience using natural horsemanship. This therapy is all about the connection between the child and the horse and their relationship. It has been just amazing for my daughter - she just loves spending time with Bella and Fred. Kate really needs help at the moment to find a designated yard to stable her ponies, with enough space to be able to offer her therapy and carry on this vital work.”

Kylie Hobbs said the sessions have helped her daughter. She said: “On the first day of visiting Kate and the horses she came home with the biggest smile. my daughter’s attitude to life has completely changed. My son has severe autism and his happiest times are when he is with the horses. I would do anything I could to thank her. She understands my children and never judges them, she helps and gives amazing advice. Without her, my life would be a great struggle.”

All photos supplied by parents.

Miniature Memories on Instagram – miniature.memories1

Kate stressed she isn’t looking for free land, she just needs an accessible couple of acres to run the therapy sessions on as she already pays for a yard to keep the horses, equipment and insurance. She said: “I’ve knocked on doors but I can’t find any land.”