School exclusions: The 24 schools in Mid Sussex suspending and expelling the most pupils

Children in Mid Sussex were permanently excluded or suspended from school hundreds of times last year, Government figures reveal.

Schools in West Sussex permanently excluded 64 children and suspended pupils 4,454 times.

Across England, 3,928 children were permanently excluded from school in the 2020/21 academic year – around five in every 10,000.

The most common reason for permanent exclusions was persistent disruptive behaviour, and the second most common was physically assaulting another pupil.

The number of expelled pupils fell by 22 per cent from the year before, when there were 5,057 permanent exclusions.

However, suspensions increased by 13 per cent across England. In total 352,454 children were suspended from school in 2020/21, up from 310,733 the year before. This is the equivalent of 425 pupils per 10,000.

The analysis, which includes special, primary and secondary schools, was released by the Department for Education this summer.

Here we reveal which schools had the highest exclusion rate in Mid Sussex – does your child’s school feature?