Year-one pupils at Thomas A'Becket Infant School practising Chinese writingYear-one pupils at Thomas A'Becket Infant School practising Chinese writing
Year-one pupils at Thomas A'Becket Infant School practising Chinese writing

Worthing school celebrates 'Unity in Diversity' with new Culture Corridor

​​A Worthing school has created its own Culture Corridor to promote diversity and inclusion. Thomas A'Becket Infant School is celebrating 'Unity in Diversity' with a selection of pictures, games, toys and books from around the world.

Teacher Miss Ruth Stokes said: "To promote diversity and inclusion, we have set up a beautiful area for the children to engage and interact with. We believe that all children regardless should be represented positively and as an anti-racist school are passionate about giving children from minority backgrounds a voice."

The corridor has helped broaden the children's awareness of other cultures. Archie said: "I was really excited to go to the Culture Corridor as I love learning about different thing. We learned about Chinese New Year and we got to do Chinese writing."

Parents Tian Head and Felicia Wong joined year-one pupils to celebrate Chinese New Year. The children made a dragon for the Culture Corridor, cooked dumplings and watched a dragon dance. Tian said: "I love the Culture Corridor, it promotes the children's understanding of how we are different and about diversity, and I would love it to happen again next year."

Year-one pupil Matthew was excited to hold the Chinese dragon and learn how people use sticks to move them around. Ivy added: "I love how the cultural corridor is decorated, it has the dragon hanging from the ceiling that we made as a whole school. Every single child decorated a plate."

Parents Tian Head and Felicia Wong joined year-one pupils to celebrate Chinese New Year. The children made a dragon for the Culture Corridor, cooked dumplings and watched a dragon dance. Tian said: "I love the Culture Corridor, it promotes the children's understanding of how we are different and about diversity, and I would love it to happen again next year."