Pictures were taken of the piping lament at the war memorial in Alexandra Park at 6am. It was led by Pipe Major Jon Bartholomew, with Drum Sgt Sean Chalcroft and Drum Sgt Susie Tyler-Murphy of the London Irish Rifles also participating. VJ Day, short for Victory Over Japan Day, is the day the country officially surrendered and is considered the end of World War II.
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The piping band was at the war memorial in Alexandra Park this morning to mark VJ Day

The piping band at the war memorial in Alexandra Park this morning (Saturday, August 15)

VJ Day, which stands for Victory Over Japan Day, marks the day the country ceased fighting in the Second World War

The piping band at the war memorial in Alexandra Park at 6am this morning, to mark VJ Day. SUS-200815-101243001

It was led by Pipe Major Jon Bartholomew, with Drum Sgt Sean Chalcroft and Drum Sgt Susie Tyler-Murphy of the London Irish Rifles also participating. SUS-200815-101232001