16 pictures of Eastbourne in its heyday16 pictures of Eastbourne in its heyday
16 pictures of Eastbourne in its heyday

Eastbourne Looking Back: 16 pictures of Eastbourne in its heyday

This set of lovely photographs shows Eastbourne in all its glory, from the beginning of the 20th century up to the 1930s.

The set of black and white and tinted photographs features the old birdcage bandstand, the present bandstand built in 1935, Martello towers and diving from the pier.

Thanks to Heritage Eastbourne, who supplied us with these photographs back in 2014.

• If you have any old photographs of Eastbourne you would like to share with us, email them as JPEGs and a little of the story behind them to [email protected]

• If you have any old photographs of Eastbourne you would like to share with us, email them as JPEGs and a little of the story behind them to [email protected]