Friendships forged at Chelsea have stood the test of time.Friendships forged at Chelsea have stood the test of time.
Friendships forged at Chelsea have stood the test of time.

Eastbourne Looking Back: Memories of a PE student at the University of Brighton - part 9

This year, the University of Brighton will close its doors in Eastbourne and move to its Falmer campus – 75 years after first opening in our town as Chelsea College. Steph Lock, a former student, is sharing the memories she made while training to be a PE teacher at the university in 1978.

The time is fast approaching when the doors at the University of Brighton, here in Eastbourne, will close for the final time. Over the past weeks, I have tried to give you some insight into the lives of the students and hope that you have enjoyed these snippets.

There will be one more article, regaling the fun and excitement from ‘The BIG PE Party!’ on Saturday, May 11. But, it seems appropriate now to give you a sense of the feeling felt by so many to be part of this final chapter.

The following are brief statements from ex-students, saying what their time at the college/university means to them…

Alison Sarah said: "If I were offered a million pounds in exchange for my fabulous memories and friends for life… I’d tell them to keep the money!

David Edwards said: “So much fun, so much daftness with gorgeous people and then a career at the end of it… What’s not to love?”

“Chelsea CPE was Hogwarts before there was Hogwarts,” Fiona McInnes Randle said: “That’s where the magic happened!”

Sharon Elizabeth Jarrett added: “If I were granted a wish… it would be to relive the four years at Chelsea.”

“It was a culture shock coming from Barbados - just struggling to stay warm – but the experience opened my eyes to so many valuable opportunities,” Joan Williams said.

Clare Mitchell added: “I came to Eastbourne as a single parent. I need to thank Maureen Taylor for finding me accommodation, the students I lived with for babysitting, and the lecturers, for putting up with my son. Nowhere would have suited us better!”

Fi Tillman said: “Simply The Best…”

Finally, from me: I met my wonderful husband Chris when I was singing with ‘The Skirts’ and he was singing with ‘D’Arc’, another local (and much better!) band.

This year we will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary and become grandparents once more, to our second grandson! None of this would have happened if I hadn’t come to Chelsea.

Thank you Chelsea College/Brighton University. We will miss you…

The following are brief statements from ex-students, saying what their time at the college/university means to them…

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