Jasper Batch and Mello Batch having fun in the snow at Bramber Castle in January 2007Jasper Batch and Mello Batch having fun in the snow at Bramber Castle in January 2007
Jasper Batch and Mello Batch having fun in the snow at Bramber Castle in January 2007

Scenes of Sussex in the snow over the centuries

From record snowfall in Lewes in February 1881 to a light dusting that lasted less than 24 hours, Sussex has seen a fair bit of the white stuff over the centuries.

And almost as soon as the first flakes fall, the cameras come out as people love to capture those picturesque scenes. There is nothing like that crunch as you walk through the snow, nor turning back to snap a photo of that perfect footprint. South Downs Schools Living History Project has many more old Sussex photographs at www.southdownsgenerations.org.uk

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