Parents Pauline and Manu Misra said: “We could not have asked for more from Steyning Primary School. Not only did Amos have a fantastic year but the teachers went above and beyond for the end-of-year-six celebrations.” Mum Christine Hewitt added: “The teachers put so much thought and generosity into SteynFest for the year-six leavers. My daughter loved the silent disco and the barbecue. It was a very special day of friendship, celebration and treats.” Read the full story here: Steyning Class of 2020 gets unique send-off with mini festival
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Steyning Primary School created SteynFest 2020 to give the Class of 2020 a great send-off, after missing out on a number of big events due to the coronavirus pandemic
Steyning Primary School created SteynFest 2020 to give the Class of 2020 a great send-off, after missing out on a number of big events due to the coronavirus pandemic
Steyning Primary School created SteynFest 2020 to give the Class of 2020 a great send-off, after missing out on a number of big events due to the coronavirus pandemic
Steyning Primary School created SteynFest 2020 to give the Class of 2020 a great send-off, after missing out on a number of big events due to the coronavirus pandemic
Steyning Primary School created SteynFest 2020 to give the Class of 2020 a great send-off, after missing out on a number of big events due to the coronavirus pandemic
Steyning Primary School created SteynFest 2020 to give the Class of 2020 a great send-off, after missing out on a number of big events due to the coronavirus pandemic
Steyning Primary School created SteynFest 2020 to give the Class of 2020 a great send-off, after missing out on a number of big events due to the coronavirus pandemic
Steyning Primary School created SteynFest 2020 to give the Class of 2020 a great send-off, after missing out on a number of big events due to the coronavirus pandemic
Steyning Primary School created SteynFest 2020 to give the Class of 2020 a great send-off, after missing out on a number of big events due to the coronavirus pandemic
Steyning Primary School created SteynFest 2020 to give the Class of 2020 a great send-off, after missing out on a number of big events due to the coronavirus pandemic