Designed in a Neo Georgian style, the spacious property is semi-detached and internal viewing is recommended by the agents to fully appreciate the flexible accommodation it has to offer.
Find it in Fastnet Way, within Beaumont Park. Having been extended, it offers four bedrooms, a lounge/dining room, kitchen/breakfast room and west-facing garden. All information and images courtesy of Zoopla, where more information about this property, and more images, can be found – along with many more homes in the Worthing area and beyond.

13. Fastnet Way, Littlehampton
This extended family home in Littlehampton is in good condition throughout. It has just come on the market with Glyn Jones priced at £390,000. Photo: Zoopla

14. Fastnet Way, Littlehampton
This extended family home in Littlehampton is in good condition throughout. It has just come on the market with Glyn Jones priced at £390,000. Photo: Zoopla

15. Fastnet Way, Littlehampton
This extended family home in Littlehampton is in good condition throughout. It has just come on the market with Glyn Jones priced at £390,000. Photo: Zoopla

16. Fastnet Way, Littlehampton
This extended family home in Littlehampton is in good condition throughout. It has just come on the market with Glyn Jones priced at £390,000. Photo: Zoopla