This property near Horsham is on sale for the recently-reduced price of £800,000This property near Horsham is on sale for the recently-reduced price of £800,000
This property near Horsham is on sale for the recently-reduced price of £800,000

In pictures: Three-bedroom detached house near Horsham with stunning conservatory

A three-bedroom detached house with a stunning conservatory has been put up for sale … with a drop in asking price.

The property at Bucks Green, Rudgwick, was on the market for £850,000 but has just been reduced to £800,000.

It is on sale through estate agents Gascoigne-Pees.

As well as the stunning conservatory and three bedrooms, the house has three bathrooms, family kitchen/diner and a spacious lounge.

It is in a private location backing onto open countryside and has a garage and plentiful parking.


As well as the stunning conservatory and three bedrooms, the house has three bathrooms, family kitchen/diner and a spacious lounge.