Plan submitted to build a new 150-home residential development in Hailsham

A plan has been submitted to build a residential development of 150 new homes in Hailsham.

The application from Heyford Developments Ltd is for a 9.95-hectare site south of the A271 Amberstone which is currently vacant grassland.

Twenty-six one-bed houses, 37 two-bed houses, 53 three-bed houses and 34 four-bed houses have been outlined – it is intended that up to 53 homes will be affordable.

Although the properties would be two-storeys high, there would be opportunities in the scheme for some feature/focus buildings to be taller. There are also 20 differently designed buildings in the plan with the mix ensuring a variety to the street scene.

If approved, the development would be served by one main vehicular/pedestrian access point from the A271 Amberstone. It would be designed as a priority T-junction with a bell-mouth.

The proposals include plans for new or altered vehicle access, pedestrian access, public roads within the site and new public rights of ways.

As part of the development 300 car parking spaces and 300 cycle spaces have been planned along with an additional 32 visitor spaces on the road.

On the proposal it says: “The cumulative impact from the housing in east Hailsham has already been identified and assessed as part of the adopted core strategy and/or the expectation that the site forms part of an area that has the potential for future growth. This indicates future growth across the site is a possibility. The characteristics of the proposed development are not sensitive.”

In the plans it says assessments have shown that there would be ‘no or negligible impact either in isolation or cumulatively on the sensitivity of the nearby Pevensey Levels’.

It adds: “In our view, the worst case scenario in terms of the characteristics of potential impacts is likely to be immaterial and immeasurable.”

As part of the proposal it states that the development, public open space and financial contributions towards other community and transport infrastructure are much-needed within the local area.

It adds: “The proposal helps meet an outstanding housing need and would assist in making the Hailsham community more cohesive and mixed.”