This attractive five-bedroom house is in a cul-de-sac in High Salvington with extensive farmland views to the rear. It is on the market with Bacon and Company at a guide price of £830,000.This attractive five-bedroom house is in a cul-de-sac in High Salvington with extensive farmland views to the rear. It is on the market with Bacon and Company at a guide price of £830,000.
This attractive five-bedroom house is in a cul-de-sac in High Salvington with extensive farmland views to the rear. It is on the market with Bacon and Company at a guide price of £830,000.

Property for sale: Five-bedroom Worthing property with extensive downland views comes on the market

Set in a secluded location in highly-sought-after High Salvington, this five-bedroom Worthing property has extensive downland views to the rear.

The detached house is on the market with Bacon and Company at a guide price of £830,000. It is a family home in a cul-de-sac with a west-facing back garden.

All information and images courtesy of Zoopla, where more information about this property, and more images, can be found – along with many more homes in the Worthing area and beyond.

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