Author relates some fascinating tales of Sussex

The October meeting of the Bognor Regis Men's Probus Club extended a warm welcome to local resident and author Dr Spencer Thomas, as speaker.

He was at one time head of geography at the West Sussex Institute of Higher Education, now the University of Chichester.

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His book, West Sussex Events '“ Four Centuries of Fortune and Misfortune, is a detailed and verified study of people and places into which he dipped at random to produce a most compelling talk.

From the renowned Sussex Quaker William Penn (of Pennsylvania), born in Warminghurst and the second Duke of Richmond's ill-fated wild animal menagerie at Goodwood in the 1600s to the 66th meeting of the Guinea Pig Club in East Grinstead in 2007, he wove a web of information both savoury and decidedly unwholesome.

The powers of church wardens in earlier days were extraordinary, ranging from maintaining the strict pecking order of church seating which in the most extreme might be resolved by a duel, to the raising of stealth taxes for vermin control or local law enforcement.

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The idiosyncrasies of the clergy too were worthy of mention.

One vicar not only harangued his congregation from the pulpit but took his sermon to the local hostelry where he doubled his audience.

Later on, the early days of the Salvation Army were notable for extreme views and actions, especially in the Brighton area, which upset the gentry and caused magistrates many problems. More recently Lady Denman, of Balcombe, championed the girls of the Women's Land Army, who in the beginning were not monitored in any way and were open to abuse.

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The Women's Institute benefited from her largess when she founded their national college which thrives to this day in her name.

Dr Thomas's ease of delivery and choice of material from his book made for a most enjoyable presentation and ensured further well-deserved sales.

Brief business at the meeting included a welcome to new members, a reminder that all details of the annual Christmas luncheon for members, ladies and guests were now in hand and the proposed travel programme for 2009 ready for printing and distribution soon.

The Bognor Regis Men's Probus Club meets in the Royal Norfolk Hotel every third Wednesday of the month except August. For details call club secretary Wilf Archer on 01243 821388.