Big plans for college

UCKFIELD Community College is pressing ahead with plans for major investment in community projects after winning technology college status and with it hundreds of thousands of pounds in extra funding.

UCKFIELD Community College is pressing ahead with plans for major investment in community projects after winning technology college status and with it hundreds of thousands of pounds in extra funding.

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One scheme is a 50,000 plan to extend the youth and community centre in Downsview Crescent. This will provide a base for community drama and a computer suite which could be used, for example, by mums taking their children to playgroup and wanting to join a daytime computer course.

Technology status is bringing spin offs for the business community, too, with college plans to rent accommodation on the town's industrial estate and provide training required by local businesses.

Primary schools will also benefit with one idea being to involve after-school clubs in a project, supported by college staff, to design and build their own 'green' racing cars.

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All these projects are in addition to work already under way to improve the college's own infrastructure:

l A room in the technology suite has been upgraded to accommodate computer aided design and manufacturing equipment.

l A video-conference and remote access link will give access to pupils in partner primary and secondary schools.

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l A science lab is being converted to enable students to carry out data-logging experiments and the maths suite is being fitted with whiteboards and projectors to enable teachers to use interactive computer programs in maths lessons.

Geoff Evans, who is taking responsibility at the college for developing the technology status, said that when making its bid for the award the college had been determined to retain 'community' in its title. He said that it wanted to direct 30 per cent of the money it attracted into initiatives for its partner primary schools and adult learning.

In the first year, starting in September, the college will receive a one off 100,000 for capital projects. In addition there will be an allowance of 120 for each student attending the college every year for five years.

There are currently 1,500 on roll and that would bring in 125,000 in the first year alone.

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