Bottle attack by gang leaves man with lacerated face

Police are searching for members of a group of young men who attacked a lone 42-year-old man near the medieval Landgate in Rye at around 11pm yesterday (Thursday October, 24).

Officers were alerted by paramedics called to treat the victim, who had been set upon as he made his way home from a local public house.

The man, who had earlier had a verbal altercation with the group, was badly injured.

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He suffered deep cuts to his face and right arm after being hit with a broken bottle and was struck with a metal bar. He was also punched and kicked several times.

He later received treatment at the Conquest Hospital, Hastings

Police launched a search of the area and began house-to-house enquiries.

A man, 23, unemployed, from Eastbourne; a man, 22, unemployed, from Rye, and a 17-year-old boy from Rye have been arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm and on Friday afternoon were still in custody.

Other suspects are still being sought.

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Detective Inspector Rob Morland, of Hastings CID, said: “This was a particularly vicious assault and we would appeal to anyone who saw what happened or who has other information to come forward.”

They are asked to phone Sussex Police on 101, quoting 1746 of 24/10, or e-mail: [email protected].

Alternatively, they can make a free, anonymous call to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.