The Burwash Horticultural Society 2018 Summer Show: The Summer Show, held on Saturday, July 28 by the Burwash Horticultural Society, was another very successful event with 188 entries, slightly down on last year, covering Flowers, Vegetables, Floral Art, Cookery and Photography. The preceding many weeks of very hot weather made it difficult for people to find flowers and vegetables that were good enough to enter so it was remarkable that we in fact had so many excellent entries. There were some wonderful entries in the flowers particularly with Dahlias and gladioli and some really outstanding vegetables. The judges commented on both the very high standard and numbers of entries. They were again impressed with the quality and the wide range of colour of the floral entries and the quality of the vegetable entries despite the weather and had a very hard job to pick out the winning exhibits. Both the cookery judge and the photography judge also commented on how difficult it was to select the winners from the many entries on show. There were some beautiful floral art displays and also some interesting cookery entries based on our World War One theme and some mouthwatering breads with the winning entry from Viv Wright baked in a barbeque as she had turned her AGA off! The photography classes also demonstrated the talent of the village photographers. Richard Maude-Roxby, Chairman of the society commented, that it was very encouraging that, in spite of the preceding hot weather that affected the number of entries, we were able to put on such an excellent and interesting display for the visitors. Overall this was yet another very successful show the society had staged and hoped it would encourage even more members of the society to enter the shows next year.
Cup winners were: Tom Hook cup, highest points in Vegetables: Jim Hillier Geejay cup, best resident’s exhibit in Vegetables: Peter Angove Millfield Shield, winner of a Collection of Vegetables: Jim Hillier Anne Neal cup, winner of best residents Collection of Vegetables: Pat Ayres Harry Pope cup, best Onion: Jim Hillier Hornsby cup, most points in Flowers: Richard Maude-Roxby Popular Gardening cup, best exhibit in Flowers: Irene Wraight Eric Godley cup, highest points in Dahlias: Richard Maude-Roxby Burwash Horticultural Society Rose Bowl: Kath Mycock Banksian medal, most money won: Richard Maude-Roxby Gordon cup, most points in Floral Art: Maggie Parker Highlands Cup, best floral art exhibit: Molly Beauchamp Porteus Plate, most points in Cookery: Maggie Parker Linden Plate, best exhibit in Cookery: Tom Appleby Akehurst cup, highest points in Photography: Ijon Jenner R.S.Streather cup, junior winner of class 61 in photography: Arthur Mitchell