Take the survey: Share your thoughts on taking climate action in the Horsham District

In June Horsham District Council declared a climate and ecological emergency.
Residents are now being asked for their thoughts on what climate actions they think are the most important for the district, as well as sharing what they are already doing, or would consider doing, if more support was available. You do not need to have read the draft strategy to complete this survey.
The Draft Strategy includes a 10-year action plan to reduce carbon emissions and build a resilient future. Achieving carbon neutrality will be a challenge but will offer other benefits including improving health and wellbeing, supporting business, and creating job opportunities.

Horsham District Council cannot tackle climate change on its own. It will be working closely with partners, such as West Sussex County Council, as well as residents, businesses, parish and neighbourhood councils, and local community groups to help achieve this.
Working together and getting everyone’s feedback and thoughts will ensure that the final Climate Action Strategy includes what matters most to those of us who live here.
What’s happening already
Good progress has already been made on tackling climate action within the Council’s control, with direct Council carbon emissions already down by 57% since their baseline report in 2019/20.
A Community Climate Fund has been set up by the Council to support community projects that reduce carbon emissions and improve the local environment. This has been running for three years with funding to support diverse projects such as the creation of community gardens , and the installation of bike racks, air source heat pumps, LED floodlighting and solar panels.
The Council has also set up the Wilder Horsham District project. An innovative five year partnership with the Sussex Wildlife Trust to reverse the decline in nature across the area. As part of this a Nature Recovery Award has been established to provide funding for wildlife projects. The project also provides expert advice to help communities create new or improved habitats for nature recovery.
And of course the district is also blessed by all the fantastic work done by local volunteers and community groups taking action to help protect their environment and reduce their carbon emissions; groups such as Sussex Green Living, Greening Steyning, Nuthurst Parish Carbon Busters, Transition Horsham, and Sustainable Henfield to name just a few, not to mention the many individual unsung heroes doing their bit for the planet.
Horsham District Council Cabinet Member for Climate Action and Nature Recovery, Cllr Colette Blackburn, said: “A vital component of the draft Strategy is collaboration whilst building on the work that the Council and others are already taking on climate change. Tackling climate change will require action from residents, businesses, community groups and partner organisations.
“I encourage you all to take this opportunity to share your vision of what climate action within the District should look like by completing the survey, as this feedback will help shape the final Strategy.”
How you can get involved: Complete the survey
The survey should take between 10-15 minutes to complete. You do not need to have read the draft strategy to complete this survey, but you do need to be a resident of Horsham District.
Complete the survey at: www.horsham.gov.uk/climateactionstrategyThe survey runs until 31 August.
Find out more
- Find out about the Council’s climate work at www.horsham.gov.uk/climate-and-environment
- Stay up to date by signing up to a monthly Climate Action email newsletter: www.horsham.gov.uk/email-newsletters
- Read about local events, campaigns, and top tips in our blog: www.horsham.gov.uk/climate-and-environment/news
- The Community Climate Fund: www.horsham.gov.uk/communityclimatefund
- Wilder Horsham District: www.horsham.gov.uk/wilderhorshamdistrict