Faster broadband coming to West Sussex

Super fast broadband is to come to West Sussex as part of a multi-miillion pound government pilot scheme.

The area is one of six in the UK to try out broadband technology that provides data at speeds approaching one gigabit per second. (gbps).

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Businesses, schools and hospitals will be the first to try out what is called the “full fibre” network technology.

The technology involved is known as full-fibre because it takes high-speed cables directly to premises.

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By contrast, much of the existing fibre services in the UK connect the fast cables to roadside cabinets and then rely on older, slower copper for the final link to homes and other buildings.

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Currently full-fibre networks are only available to about two per cent of premises in the UK.

The government hopes says it hopes the project will significantly boost the availability of the technology.

In a government statement, Andrew Jones at the Treasury said, “How we live and work today is directly affected by how good our broadband connection is.

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“Faster, more reliable connections would create jobs, help new industries to emerge and let people work more flexibly.”

The pilots will also be run in Aberdeenshire, Coventry and Warwickshire, Bristol, West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester.