The seating, attached to the public toilet block opposite the Dome Cinema in Marine Parade, Worthing, was burnt away in a fire last night.
A spokesman for Worthing Borough Council, which run the toilets, said: "Our changing places accessible toilet opposite the Dome Cinema has unfortunately been damaged this evening by a fire.
"The facility was already out of action because of vandalism but the fire outside it has caused further damage which will delay its reopening.
"We don’t know the cause of the fire yet or exactly how major the necessary repairs will be, but we’ll keep you updated about when we will be able to get the toilet back in use.
"Thank you to the crews from West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service for dealing with the fire so quickly and limiting the damage the heat and flames could cause."
"The facility was already out of action because of vandalism but the fire outside it has caused further damage which will delay its reopening.