TRINITY SOUTH MALLING: (Parish Church). This Sunday, the All Age Service takes place in South Malling School Hall, not in the church. It is led by the Children’s, Schools and Families Minister, Neil Chisnall, with music from Martin Dyer and the Church band. All age worship is particularly directed at children, with lots of activity as part of the worship. All are welcome. The service begins at 9.30am. Note, the church will not be open on Sunday morning.
RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION: At the recent public meeting of the association, members were told that their current balance is £4608.48. Out of this they will have to pay for six months food from Fareshare and other costs for transport etc. There are around 85 customers at the moment and they are grateful for donations sent to them by members and friends, both in extra cash and kind, so that the work can continue. The committee recently decided that the Food Bank should separate from the association to enable them to apply for larger grants. Also, there is an increasing amount of work around supporting the Food Bank as it grows, such as new data protection laws which will affect the distribution of food, and its record keeping. The Food Bank will still report to the association, as a courtesy, but the committee now has growing work to do in supporting the people of Malling, to make sure that local developments meet their needs.