Man arrested for drunkenness in Worthing twice in one day

A MAN who was arrested for drunken behaviour twice in one day has been given conditional discharges at Worthing Magistrates' Court.

Daniel Nullmeyers, 20, pleaded guilty to two counts of drunk and disorderly behaviour and one count of failure to comply with a police officer when he appeared in court yesterday (Monday, March 30).

Linda Arnell, prosecuting, said Nullmeyers, who has no fixed address, was drinking in Worthing on Saturday, March 28, when he became aggressive.

Fight in Chapel Road

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Police officers asked him to leave the town centre but he screwed up the paper work and was arrested when he returned shortly afterwards.

At 3.20am on Sunday, March 29, police were called to a fight outside a bar in Chapel Road, Worthing, and Nullmeyers was arrested again.

Then at 7.15pm on Sunday, Nullmeyers was again arrested when he was found lying in the middle of Lyndhurst Road giggling, said Mrs Arnell.

James Fisher, defending, said Nullmeyers was going through a difficult time as he had recently broken up with his girlfriend who had "kept him in check" and been denied access to their child.

Childish behaviour

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Magistrate Graham Scott said: "You're 20 years old now and it is time you kept yourself in check.

"This is really stupid behaviour. I hope you realise how stupid and childish it is."

Nullmeyers was given a 12-month conditional discharge for each drunk and disorderly offence and an 18-month conditional discharge for the failure to comply with a police officer.

"Not so easy"

The three sentences will run concurrently.

He was also ordered to pay 45 court costs.

Mr Scott said if Nullmeyers appeared in court again it would not be "so easy" and he should "keep his nose clean".


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