Today (Friday) is the monthly Coffee Morning in the Village Hall 9.30-11.30.
On Sunday, we start the village’s commemoration of the start of the First World War, with a special service of reflection in St Mary’s Church at 10.30am, which will conclude at the War Memorial where the roll of honour will be read. The Rector, Rod White, will then say prayers at the three war graves in Northiam Cemetery.
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Hide AdThe Footpath Group will be discovering Beautiful Battle and Beyond on Sunday, leaving the surgery car park at 1.30pm. The walk is 5½ miles.
Coffee Stop opens each Wednesday between 10am and 12 noon in the Church Centre,
Northiam Seniors’ Club meets each Thursday in the Village Hall and this week will be entertained by our very own David Passmore.
The Village Remembrance Exhibition will be held on Saturday 2nd August and Sunday 3rd August in the village hall – 10am to 4pm both days. The Conservation Society has collected an impressive display of photographs, documents and other exhibits, including machine guns – of course!!
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Hide AdOn the evening of Saturday 2nd August, the village will be holding a Commemorative Remembrance Concert in the village hall, an opportunity to come together to respect and remember those who fought for their country. The evening has a full and varied programme, inc,uding music from Northiam Chamber orchestra, and will include the reading of contemporaneous poems and letters, and the singing of songs from the period.
Marie Edwards is taking bookings for the Village Fair, to be held on the Playing Fields on August 9th. Pitches for the Boot Fair or the craft/charity sections are £10. Please call Marie on 01797 252568.
At the fair, there will be an opportunity to catch up on what’s happening in Chitwiri. Sally and Richard Bickersteth will be holding another mega-bric-a-brac stall at the Village Fair in aid of the projects in that community, so if you have any bric-a-brac which you would like to donate then please leave it in a box by the front door of Forge House Northiam (formerly the Post Office).
Do come along on the day and learn more about the projects and the community of Chitiwiri. Sally has just returned from Malawi, where she has been working on a new irrigation project, and will be able to tell you all about it.
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Hide AdIt’s time to start thinking about plans for after the summer break. Northiam 75 Football Club is looking for new players for next season. If you are interested (you must be over 16) please call Rob Deal 07876 741199.
I understand that the Cub Scouts are in need of a leader. If anyone is interested in taking on this incredibly fulfilling role, please give Jacky Broad (01797 253228) a call. We have one of the oldest Scout troops in the country, and it has given a fantastic start to a lot of our youngsters.
Services (27th): 8am Holy Communion, 10.30am WW1 Commemoration Service
Karen Ayling
The White House