World of Words: Your poetic efforts could bag you a £10 prize, on offer each week
If your poem is published, you will receive a cheque for £10.
This week’s poem is entitled Resolutions, and was written by Jonathan Bryant.
The British people have a way
some think a little queer
they make new resolutions
at the start of every year.
They’ll swear to you with oaths and vows
I’m going o give up fags
then you see smoke arising
as their resolution sags.
I heard another fellow say
Ah, no more booze for me
the next time that I’m thirsty
I’ll just drink a cup of tea.
So no more alcohol for me
to drink it is a sin -
but you know full well he’s lying
by the empties in the bin.
Then some say no to chocolate
and cheesecake, cream and chips
but you have cause to doubt them
by thir telltale sticky lips.
New resolves are not for me
they’re just a silly game -
but I am nearly perfect
and I think I’ll stay the same.