
DAILY WALK: I have been enjoying my daily walk even more than usual recently as it takes me past the huge ?eld beside Ridge Road. At the moment, lambs are being born every day. Last Monday I actually watched a lamb being born and every day there are more, often only just born, with their mothers nudging them to get up. The shepherds are never far away and they hop on the quad bike and speed over to any newborns to check them over. Sometimes they swing them backwards and forwards head down, I am guessing that this is to clear their airways. It is wonderful to watch the lambs get unsteadily to their feet and I will enjoy watching their progress. I hope they are not moved from the ?eld too soon.

EXHIBITION: We will be having our Easter exhibition at St Laurence Church again this year and I have been busily painting away in my studio, I hope that the theme, Annunciation to Resurrection, will have inspired the other artists taking part.
CHURCH SERVICES: We are still in an interregnum at St Laurence and the visiting priest this Sunday (Palm Sunday) is Father Robert Easton. The service starts at 10am and we will gather at the village hall and process over to St Laurence, singing and holding our Palm Crosses.
FLOWER FESTIVAL: Thinking ahead we have the Falmer Flower Festival to look forward to in June. I am trying to get some plants going for my stall and so far they are growing well. With the young plants and all my cuttings I should have a good display.