LAURA CARTLEDGE Life's Like That...The clock says Summer Time and suddenly life is brighter!

British Summer Time is here and everything just seems more fun.

In fact I even liked the challenge of working out which clock was right.

Especially now modern technology means half of them will change by themselves.

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But to be honest I am still only sure of one thing –the clock in my car will now be wrong until October.

But who cares? We have our evenings back. Which compensates for being in an office for most of the week and watching as the weather paws at the window wanting you to go out and play. But more importantly it reminds us that the day doesn’t have to end when your working one does.

In winter months I’ll admit I have been spotted in my pyjamas before 6pm on a good day, figuring if the sun can’t be bothered to stay up why should I?

It’s amazing the difference the weather can make.

It’s not just the days which are brighter – I have a real spring in my step. Which means I am making the most of what this area has to offer.

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Whether it is watching the sun set over a lap full of fish and chips on the beach or just laying on the lawn.

You can tell nature is excited too – butterflies are in a flutter and the bluebells are blooming early.

This week the UK is expected to be warmer than Madrid, Rome and Athens.

I am celebrating by daring to leave my coat at home, and if I am feel really rebellious I might even take my cardigan off.