LETTER: Thank you for standing up for our village

I would like to thank the people of Horam who are standing up for the future of our village. Including letters in the Sussex Express (12/8/16).

Wealden District Council needs to understand that they cannot treat Horam like some forgotten backwater, cared for by no one.

The residents care.

Our local councillor Susan Steadman would also be wise to care and listen to the feelings of her electorate.

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The council plans for housing and the crematorium are stunning in their lunacy.

No reasonably minded person can think that Horam is the ideal venue for a crematorium.

In all my life in this village no one has ever said we should build a crematorium here. When you have to attend a funeral you get in the car and make the short trip to one of the crematoriums in surrounding towns.

And, as for the housing plans, has anyone in the council visited the village recently to see how bereft we are of the facilities and services needed to support so many new homes?

Why doesn’t Weaden District Council start by spending some of their amassed wealth (£20 million I hear) on services we do want in our local villages in the area?

Melanie Pugh

Horebeech Lane
