LETTER: Windows saga badly handled

Regarding The East Beach Hotel losing its appeal against having to reinstate its old windows [Herald, December 23] I think the disingenuous comments of the borough council's representative will no doubt arouse further incredulity for the owner Heidi Cowderoy.

This entire matter has been handled so badly that it immediately brings to mind The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.Why should double standards have been exercised when comparing this issue with the council’s decision in favour of Abid Gulzar in respect of the gold paint used on parts of the pier structure? It is sheer incongruous absurdity to allow gold paint that can be seen by everyone winning the day over window frames that perhaps one in a thousand might even notice.

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The council knows full well that this need not be the end of this affair unless they are determined to put an admirable hotel out of business. A closure before the next major holiday of Easter would be a personal disaster and a blot on the policy-making officials at the Eastbourne planning offices. I suggest that our council get their act together without delay and resolve this matter to the satisfaction of both parties. Nothing is impossible and a New Year decision involving ‘a spirit of goodwill to all men’ must be demonstrated.

In the meantime I hope that the residents of Eastbourne send more letters of support to The Herald and bombard the council offices with letters of protest at their uncaring behaviour.


South Cliff

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