Allotment holder's needs in the forefront of any decisions

I WRITE with reference to Les Chapman's letter (Gazette, October 9).

I think it is possible that one of the key points from the consultation meetings with allotment holders may have been misunderstood.

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There is considerable interest in the ongoing consultation being undertaken by agents for the potential developers of North Littlehampton.

As they progress towards a possible planning application, they are continuing a series of consultation events.

Within the paperwork they have shared with the public are proposals for new highways, two of which cross over allotment land owned by Littlehampton Town Council.

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In advance of any report being considered by the council and any decisions being taken, the town clerk arranged three consultative meetings with plotholders to hear their views.

Most particularly, he sought clarification as to what plotholders would require if these proposals came about.

These would form part of a legally-binding agreement with developers if, and only if, the town council wished to pursue this.

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New and improved provision would need to be made for anyone affected by this work, as would provision for those moving into the new houses.

Some form of compensation for those moving will almost certainly be required.

I can categorically say that unless satisfactory provisions are made, the town council will not enter into an agreement.

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Furthermore, in these circumstances, it is unlikely that the government would support such a proposal.

I would like to thank all the plotholders who attended the meetings for their time.

It has certainly provided clear information for the town clerk in progressing these discussions.

There will be further consultation over the coming months.

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Lastly, I must emphasise that no decisions on anything to do with North Littlehampton have been before the council and its committees.

Councillors do need to have the full facts of the proposals before considering this.

This will be a highly important debate for the council and all of the pros and cons need to be before us.

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The needs of plotholders will be at the forefront of our minds.

Councillor Mark Butler,

chairman, Littlehampton Town Council community resources and

allotments working group

NOTE: All letters must include a name and address which can be withheld by request.


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