Cranleigh Rotary’s ‘Know Your Blood Pressure Day’

‘Know Your Blood Pressure Day’, part of a national campaign organised by the British branch of Rotary International, took place recently in Cranleigh.

Two nurses from the Shooting Star CHASE hospice were on hand to taking blood pressure readings and give feedback on the results, while members of the Rotary Club of Cranleigh distributed stroke awareness literature to passers-by. Thirty people volunteered for the tests, and 14 of those who took part were advised to have a follow up visit with their GP.

“We were pleased to be able to provide important health information to dozens of Cranleigh residents,” said Rotarian Brian Arendell, one of the event organisers.

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“We are most grateful to nurses Karen Clarke and Angie Kiernan, who volunteered to give up their time to carry out the tests, and without whom this event would not have been possible,” he added. “Our grateful thanks also go to Cranfold Physiotherapy Centre and Oakwood Business Consultants, who provided the premises where the testing took place.”

“’Know Your Blood Pressure Day’ is a tremendously important Rotary initiative which enables people to be made aware of possible health problems related to high blood pressure,” said Rotary President, David Gill.

The Cranleigh Rotary Club’s next charity fundraising events are the annual quiz night on 25 April in the Village Hall and a golf day at Wildwood Golf and Country Club on 23 May. Further information can be found at:

Report and picture contributed by Cranleigh Rotary Club.

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