Don't say we didn't warn you

A COUPLE of years ago, Jane Wood was given planning permission to build some apartments in River Road, Littlehampton, after going to appeal against Arun District Council's refusal of planning consent.

At the appeal hearing, all the necessary organisations were present, as well as the public.

The arguments for and against were put to the Planning Inspectorate, which would make the final decision.

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Arun put its case for refusing planning approval, on the grounds of flooding, which was supported by the Environment Agency.

Ms Wood's case was presented by a gentleman who stated that all the flooding issues could be dealt with! The public had their say and objected, due to the height, flooding and parking issues.

Approximately six to eight weeks later the decision was announced - the Planning Inspectorate approved the application.

With this weekend's rainfall and the river at high tide, River Road was flooded.

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A small flood it might have been but I just wonder if this is the start of more flooding in this area to come?

What irritates local people is that those people who make the decisions don't listen to those who live or work here, or even understand the area.

I wonder if the Planning Inspectorate will regret approving the application?

Only time will tell!

Ian Buckland

Liberal Democrat town and Arun councillor for River Ward

Lizard Head



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