LETTER: Boards highlight Horsham heritage

Six interpretation boards have been installed along points of the Riverside Walk in a project led by HTCP to enhance and make better amenity value of the Horsham Riverside Walk.
The first phase of the project includes the production of a new information leaflet, the installation of benches at suitable locations, better and more coherent way marker signage and six interpretation boards highlighting interesting information on Horsham’s heritage and nature elements that can be seen along the 12.5 mile circular walk which follows the water courses that surround the town.
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Hide AdThis first phase has been financed by a major award from Biffa Award with Horsham District Council (HDC) providing ten per cent match funding.
HTCP are working in partnership with HDC on this project.
Mr Goodchild queried the orientation of the interpretation board installed near Worthing Road. Directional information is to be read from the north directional compass bearing which is shown clearly on all of the boards. The boards give an indication of the immediate location. The interpretation boards specifically indicate what can be seen on the Walk and is for guidance only. Clear signage together with the leaflet is the tool to finding your way around the 12.5 mile Walk.
The boards have been placed at the most appropriate location in each of the six sites to provide the most suitable access for people walking the route.
A new information leaflet is currently being produced. This leaflet gives more exact directional information and orientation to main roads together with information on parking, a summary of the Walk and the river courses the Walk follows as well
as other useful information.
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Hide AdThe leaflet will be able to be viewed shortly on the HTCP Riverside Walk website page: horshamtowncommunitypartnership.btck.co.uk and paper copies will also be available.
The newly installed signage is very easy to recognise, even at a distance, which enables people to use the Walk with ease without the need for maps if they wish.
The second phase of the project will address improvements to the walking surface of the Walk where needed while still at the same time maintaining the rural aspect of the Walk.
Our next priority is to seek funding for these improvements.
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Hide AdA specially led Celebration Walk Event is taking place on Saturday, 26th July to mark the completion of phase 1. If anyone would like to take part in this please go to our website and register your interest with our walk leader.
Chair, Horsham Town Community Partnership (HTCP), Wimblehurst Road, Horsham