Spirit of Christmas alive and well with Eastbourne's parking Grinches

From: Graham KendallBroad Oak Close

I see that the spirit of Christmas is alive and well in the parking management department of East Sussex County Council!

My wife was collecting our seriously disabled and wheelchair using granddaughter from the Devonshire Theatre recently.

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There were cars and mini-busses parked everywhere, making parking very difficult.

Apparently she committed the grave crime of parking in a space where parking had been suspended for no discernible reason.

There was nowhere else that could safely be parked without causing an obstruction.

She was gone for less than 20 minutes to assist our little girl to the car.

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Low and behold the warden had pounced, probably from some doorway where he/she had been skulking.

£35 fine!

Her appeal has just been turned down.

Rules are rules apparently.

Merry Christmas to the parking management department.

I hope that you can sleep at night!