RECREATION GROUND SURVEY: Please remember to complete this form and return to the Memorial hall, thank you.
LINDY HOP CLASSES : Lindy Hop classes will be continuing through February every Tuesday until March 10, 7-9pm. Classes are suitable for beginners and cost £5 including tea and cake. For more information contact Leah on 01797 226041.
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Hide AdBALBOA DANCE WORKSHOP: On Sunday March 1 there will be a Balboa Dance Workshop at the Memorial hall from 2 - 5pm. The workshop is designed to suit all levels, everyone welcome! To book a place please contact Leah on 01797 226041; the workshop costs £15 and is to raise funds for the Oliver Curd Trust.
MEMORIAL HALL SURGERY: The next surgery at the hall will be on February 17, please book your appointment with the Rye Medical Centre.
FLOWER ARRANGING CLASSES: If you are interested in joining a Flower Arranging Class at the hall please contact Deirdre Bull on 01797 230208 for more information.
JUMBLE SALE : Please remember the Jumble Sale at the hall on Saturday March 7; the hall will be open the night before from 6-7pm for donations of jumble.
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Hide AdPEASMARSH CALENDAR COMPETITION: As part of their fundraising efforts the Memorial hall Committee and Peasmarsh Primary School are running a photographic competition to find photographs for a 2016 Peasmarsh Calendar. The competition will run from February 1 until September 11 and the winners will be announced in the October edition of the Peasmarsh Periodical. The competition is open to anyone and is free to enter, full details and entry form plus terms and conditions can be found at .
RYE 10 ROAD RACE : The 4th Rye 10 Road Race will take place this year on Sunday May 24 - more details to follow soon!
EASTER LILIES: You are invited to buy an Easter Lily in remembrance of a loved one - these will be arranged in Peasmarsh church for Easter and names will be read out during the service, to which everyone is welcome. Mrs Sue Cavilla at Whitebrooks, School Lane, has agreed to collect the names and £3 (which is the cost of each lily). Closing date for orders is March 22.
CHURCH SERVICES: This Sunday the 10am service of Holy Eucharist will be at Peasmarsh church.
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Hide AdConservative AGM: Rother Levels Conservative Association 11am 21st February Northiam Village Hall followed at 12.30 by two course catered lunch open to all constituents at £12 per head to include one glass of wine or soft drink. To meet the prospective Conservative Parliamentary candidate Huw Merriman and local RDC Councillors Ian Jenkins and Martin Mooney. Enquiries please to Sue Grant on 01797 252503 with bookings for lunch to Ann Antrobus “Lyndhurst” Main Street Peasmarsh TN31 6YA ( 01797 230793) by 16th February for catering purposes.
Mary Hitchins
2 The Old Hop Gardens