Among highlights of the day was the fact that – for the second year running – a team from Atlantis Swimming Club beat their event record of swimming 212 lengths of the main pool in the 55 minutes allocated for each session of the event. The team on average swam a length of the pool every 16 seconds.
Over the past 12 years the Swimarathon has raised more than £82,000 which has been donated to a number of local schools, organisations and charities.
The 30 teams who took part this year swam a total of 3,561 lengths in the 25 metre pool.
For the second year running, the Swimarathon was raising funds for the Horsham and Crawley Branch of The Samaritans who have just celebrated their 51st anniversary.
Horsham Lions Club president Miles Loveday thanked all the teams who took part along with their supporters and sponsors for pledging money to the charity.
Anyone interested in finding out more about Horsham Lions Club can contact Lion Clare Wilson at: [email protected].

25. Swimarathon
Rotas Swim - Horsham Rotary Photo: Contributed