Birthday fun at East Grinstead library

No tickets are needed for the event, which includes children’s story time, craft activities, a coffee morning and afternoon tea.
The day’s timetable will be:
• Town Twinners offering coffee and cakes from 10am to 12.30pm
• Children’s story time and cake decorating from 2pm to 3pm
• Library tea party, with special guests from 2.30pm.
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Hide AdYou will also be able to test your local knowledge in a game called ‘East Grinstead Then & Now’ with the chance of winning a copy of locally published ‘East Grinstead Through Time.’ There will also be a photographic exhibition illustrating the Library through the years.
Free tickets for the children’s story time event can be booked from the library.
A series of events for will be hosted by the Library throughout the year, to celebrate the anniversary.
Diary dates are:
Thursday 20th, 10.30am-11.30am, Bear Hunt
Children’s story time and craft activity. Free tickets from the library
Friday 21st, 7pm Birthday Quiz
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Hide AdMaximum of eight persons per team with prizes. Tickets, costing £10, will include a fish and chip supper and must be bought in advance.
Thursday 27th, 7pm Panel Event
Popular authors Michael Jecks, Angus Donald and Jim Burge will be joining us for a humorous and informative panel event, titled ‘Sex Love and Violence in Medieval Europe.’ Tickets are £3 and include light refreshments.
March – May launch of One Town One Book
March – May
People are invited to read ‘Tarnished’ by Julia Crouch, culminating in an author event and book discussion in June. Copies available at the Library.
Saturday 22nd 10.30am -11.30am, Where’s Wally?
Join us in the hunt for Wally. Free tickets from the library.
Sir Archibald McIndoe
Tuesday 18th March - 7pm
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Hide AdJoin us for an interesting and inspiring talk about the McIndoe Memorial Project. The talk will discuss the brilliant work of surgical pioneer Archibald McIndoe, the formation of the Guinea Pig club and the launch of the exciting memorial appeal to honour the great man. Tickets £3 to include light refreshments, available from the library
East Grinstead Now and Then
Thursday 24th April - 7pm
A presentation by local historian Dorothy Hatswell and photographer Simon Kerr, telling the story behind their book East Grinstead Through Time. There’s also the chance to find out about some of the pictures and history that couldn’t fit into the book. If you have an old picture of East Grinstead that you would like identified, then why not bring it along and challenge the experts? Tickets £3 to include light refreshments, available from the library
Special Easter Storytime
Thursday 17th April – 10.30am – 11.30am
Look out for further information about this event in branch
John Mason Neale and East Grinstead- the Impact of this Famous Warden of Sackville College Upon The Town
Thursday 29th May - 7pm
This talk will discuss John Mason Neale’s life, his appointment as
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Hide AdWarden, why he was so controversial during his twenty year tenure of this office in East Grinstead, and his legacy to our town since his death. Exploring three of the town’s historic buildings and their association to him. Tickets £3 to include light refreshments, available from the library
Special Half Term Storytime
Thursday 29th May – 10.30am – 11.30am
Look out for further information about this event in branch. FREE tickets available from the library
One Town One Book an evening with Julia Crouch
Tuesday 10th June - 7pm
For all those that have taken part in ‘One Town One Book’ we are delighted to welcome Julia Crouch. Readers will get the opportunity to hear what inspires Julia to write such engaging fiction and the opportunity to discuss her most recent novel Tarnished.