The lights came on at 6.30pm, but festivities actually kicked off at 6pm, with the Festival of Light parade along North Street. Led by the town crier and the TS Sturdy Band, it was a real feast for the senses.
Alongside all that, the Prebendal School Choir and the Oakwood School Choir filled the city with merry holiday carols.
Just before the switch-on itself, at 6.25pm, the city Christmas tree was blessed by Chichester Cathedral’s interim dean, Reverend Canon Simon Holland, before the grand countdown to illuminate the city lights was led by two local heroes.
After that, celebrations continued for some time, led by V2 Radio, Chichester City Band and Chichester Singers.
There were also festivities on Chichester Canal from 4pm on November 26 including Morris dancing, an illuminated model boat display and live festive music.