Cuckfield Christmas Tree Festival 2019Cuckfield Christmas Tree Festival 2019
Cuckfield Christmas Tree Festival 2019 | jpimedia

Cuckfield Christmas Tree Festival 2019 - in pictures

Cuckfield Christmas Tree Festival took place from Friday, December 6 until Sunday, December 8.

Over three days, dozens of trees decorated by local organisations, clubs, societies, schools and businesses were displayed for people to visit.

To date, Cuckfield Christmas Tree Festival has raised £76,886 for charity ─ this year's partner charity is The Alzheimer's Society.

The Christmas Tree festival was once again the highlight of Cuckfield's week-end with a continuous stream of visitors many of whom were visiting for the very first time. Supporting Alzheimer's Society who are themselves celebrating their 40th year, the 80 imaginatively decorated trees both surprised and delighted children and adults alike.

Chairman of the Planning Group, Paul Goldfinch said "We were delighted to welcome members from Neil's Club, a local young-onset dementia club and a group from Blind Veterans UK amongst our many visitors from all over the country. I am truly grateful to the whole community of Cuckfield for making this a great start to Christmas"

The Christmas Tree festival was once again the highlight of Cuckfield's week-end with a continuous stream of visitors many of whom were visiting for the very first time. Supporting Alzheimer's Society who are themselves celebrating their 40th year, the 80 imaginatively decorated trees both surprised and delighted children and adults alike.