Eastbourne cottage could be turned into flats

Wharf Road - Photo from Google Maps SUS-200804-115733001Wharf Road - Photo from Google Maps SUS-200804-115733001
Wharf Road - Photo from Google Maps SUS-200804-115733001 | Other 3rd Party
A cottage in Eastbourne could be knocked down to make way for a block of nine self-contained flats.

A planning application has been submitted this month (April) to Eastbourne council for the redevelopment of the The Cottage, number two Wharf Road site with a three-storey building.

A design and access statement submitted to the council revealed the flats could be a mix of one and two bedrooms.

The building is a former railway worker’s cottage.

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The target decision date has been set by the council, which is marked for May 29.

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