Food partnership members and the growersFood partnership members and the growers
Food partnership members and the growers

Eastbourne volunteer growers smash one tonne target

More than 1,000 kilograms of high-quality organic fruit, vegetables and salad have been donated to community fridges since April by an enthusiastic band of gardeners in Eastbourne.

The Rooted Community Food project at Gorringe Road allotments in Eastbourne have hit their target in just five months.

The total of 1,080kgs of produce represents 2,700 daily portions of fruit and veg.

The group gathered to weigh bulging bags of tomatoes, stacks of leeks, boxes of apples and piles of cucumbers to celebrate the milestone.

The produce from Rooted has been boosted by surplus donated at a ‘Crop Drop’ hut from other allotments on the site to reach the target.

Project Manager Sally Lee said: “We set this really ambitious goal of one tonne in April, never imagining we would do it. Here we are just a few months later having to stretch our target. I am so proud of the team, they are a wonderful group of people.”

Rooted has about 25 volunteers who drop in to weekly sessions on an ad hoc basis, enjoying the fresh air, camaraderie and a sense of wellbeing. There is also a children’s plot nearby for family sessions.

It supplies community fridges, where people can pay a small amount for several items, in Old Town, Seaside, Willingdon Trees and Langney.

To celebrate the target, the Eastbourne Food Partnership, Eastbourne Area Neighbourhood Panel and a local Eastbourne Borough councillor joined volunteers at the plot.

Nancy Wilson, co-ordinator of the food partnership, said: “It goes to show how much of a difference can be made in a small space with a vibrant community. This project is the perfect illustration of our mission to achieve good food for all.”

Andy Durling, a partnership director, said: “This is precisely the type of project we want to fund and develop for a sustainable local food system. It’s what it is all about – giving local people access to healthy, organic food.”

Cllr Kathy Ballard (Lib Dem, Upperton) said: “I think it is fantastic – I really love that it is food for the community fridges and that they are encouraging the community to donate.”

The group gathered to weigh bulging bags of tomatoes, stacks of leeks, boxes of apples and piles of cucumbers to celebrate the milestone.