Many people in the Arun District will be affected by rising energy billsMany people in the Arun District will be affected by rising energy bills
Many people in the Arun District will be affected by rising energy bills

Energy crisis: 10 areas in the Arun District which will be the hardest hit by rising gas and electricity bills

On April 1 energy bills are set to skyrocket for homeowners in the Arun district and across England.

The energy price cap rise of 54 per cent means almost £700 will be added onto bills on average, but official government data shows some neighbourhoods in [Local authority] could be hit harder than others.

That’s because properties with low energy efficiency ratings generally have higher bills than homes with high energy efficiency ratings.

The energy efficiency of homes is assessed when they are built, sold or let.

They are given Energy Performance Certificates which reveal how much energy a property will use, how environmentally friendly the property is and importantly, how much energy bills will cost.

Homes are rated from A, the most energy efficient with the lowest running costs, to G, the least efficient with the highest running costs.

Here we reveal which neighbourhoods in the Arun district have the greatest proportion of homes with energy efficiency ratings of D or lower, according to data from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

The figures do not reflect all homes in the area because not every dwelling has an EPC. The figures are based on estimates for the 2020/21 financial year.

The energy efficiency of homes is assessed when they are built, sold or let.

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