Hastings Week 2022. Classic Car Show day 2. Photo by Roberts Photographic.Hastings Week 2022. Classic Car Show day 2. Photo by Roberts Photographic.
Hastings Week 2022. Classic Car Show day 2. Photo by Roberts Photographic.

Hastings Week Classic Car Show in pictures

A dazzling array of classic cars lined up at The Stade over the weekend as Hastings Week got underway.

The eye-catching cars and vehicles had plenty of admirers across the two day event. Hastings Week continues this week with a number of events including talks, guided walks and a Cray Golf Competition. The highlight of the week is on Saturday October 15, which sees the annual Town Criers Competition and the spectacular torch-lit bonfire procession and firework display from the beach. Visit www.hastingsweek.com for full details.

Pictures by Roberts Photographic.

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