Running from November 4 to November 29, the consultation relates to plans to revitalise pavement, benches and public realm installations on East and North streets, in a bid to breathe all new life into the area.
West Sussex County Council says the area’s current installations need to be replaced and that the surfacing is at the end of its naturally useful life. After conferring with the District Council, Heritage Officers, the Business Improvement District and the Cathedral, West Sussex County Council published a key decision in October approving funds to undertake detailed designs for the improvements.
"To ensure the proposals meet the needs of the residents, visitors and businesses that use it every day, concept designs focus on ensuring the new public realm is safe and accessible for all, in-keeping with Chichester’s heritage while also providing a value for money option,” a spokesperson said.
"From 4-29th November 2024, WSCC is holding a period of public engagement where you will have a chance to submit your views on the concept designs and influence the future of Chichester City Centre.
“It is important to note that all the proposals are early concept designs and are subject to change as a result of the survey and feedback received.”
Artists impressions of the plans appear to show renewed surfacing, improved and more numerous benches, and more plants across both parts of the city.
To find out more and take part in the consultation, visit

1. Artist impression of East Street
Artist impression of East Street Photo: WSCC

2. Artist impression of East Street Little London junction
Artist impression of East Street Little London junction Photo: WSCC

3. Artist impression of East Street from a birds eye view
Artist impression of East Street from a birds eye view Photo: WSCC

4. Artist impression of North Street from a birds eye view
Artist impression of North Street from a birds eye view Photo: WSCC