Scores of people supported the event at the George and Dragon, ShipleyScores of people supported the event at the George and Dragon, Shipley
Scores of people supported the event at the George and Dragon, Shipley

Horsham fundraiser for Ukraine raises more than £6,000

A Horsham fundraiser for the people of Ukraine has raised more than £6,000.

Businessman Dominic Sakakini – who spent five days on a fact-finding mission in Ukraine earlier this year – organised the event at the George and Dragon pub in Shipley.

Scores of people attended and enjoyed music and food along with a fundraising raffle.

Altogether Dominic – owner of Sakakini’s Jewellers in Horsham’s Carfax – has now raised £13,500 for refugees of Ivano-Frankivsk in Ukraine.

He has helped to organise a shipment of much-needed food to go out to Ukraine over the next few days.

“My aim is to raise £6,000 a month so we can send food out monthly," he said.

He thanked everyone for supporting the fundraiser. “The support was amazing and I’d just like to thank everyone and the people of Horsham, and the George and Dragon and businesses who supported our campaign.”

He said a summer barbecue – “our own local Band Aid’ – was now being planned to further support those in war-torn Ukraine.

See the Facebook page: 5 Days In Ukraine for further details.

Altogether Dominic – owner of Sakakini’s Jewellers in Horsham’s Carfax – has now raised £13,500 for refugees of Ivano-Frankivsk in Ukraine.

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