A Black Lives Matter rally took place on Worthing seafront today (June 6)A Black Lives Matter rally took place on Worthing seafront today (June 6)
A Black Lives Matter rally took place on Worthing seafront today (June 6) | Freelance

Hundreds attend Black Lives Matter protest in Sussex: in pictures

Hundreds of people have attended a Black Lives Matter protest in Sussex this afternoon (June 6).

Worthing seafront was filled with protesters there in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement, which has been launched back into the global spotlight following the recent killing of George Floyd by a police officer in the US. The protesters knelt on one knee along the promenade, east of Worthing Pier, as a show of support for racial equality – a symbol popularised by American football quarterback Colin Kaepernick when he knelt during the country’s national anthem in 2016 to protest against police brutality and racism. UK Government officials had urged against mass gatherings due to coronavirus, but other protests also took place today in London, Manchester, Cardiff, and Sheffield. Many protesters in Worthing could be seen wearing gloves and face masks. Mr Floyd died on May 25 in Minneapolis after white police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck, despite saying he could not breathe. The video of this incident spread around the world and catalysed protests across the globe. Other protests planned for Sussex include Eastbourne, Chichester and Brighton.