The RNLI took operational responsibility of the station in 1854, and is now celebrating its 200th Anniversary which fell on March 4.
The crews have been awarded 19 medals for gallantry in it’s 221 year history. Most recently, Coxswain Ian Johns was awarded the MBE for services to Maritime Safety in the New Years honours in 2012.
On Saturday March 9, the volunteers of Newhaven Lifeboat are inviting the public to join them in their celebrations.
Hosted at The Marine Workshops, Newhaven, tickets are £25 per person and include a welcome drink, food by Sussex's very own Humble Pie and music by local live band Double Tap.
Tickets to the ‘RNLI Newhaven 200th Anniversary Party’ are available on Eventbrite. Guests will have the opportunity to meet the crew, both past and present, and discover the history of the RNLI.

1. Crew, 1983
Crew of the ‘Louis Marchesi of Round Table’ on 23 January 1983. Left to right: Ian Johns, Mike Beach, Len Patten (Coxswain), Lol Deakin and Derek Payne, and Rick Ward behind the wheelhouse on starboard side. Photo: Newhaven RNLI

2. Dunkirk
The ‘Cecil and Lilian Philpott’ (1930-1959) 45ft 6inch Watson class, was one of the 19 lifeboats that took part in the evacuation of the BEF from Dunkirk. Photo: Newhaven RNLI

3. Crew, 1985
Newhaven Lifeboat crew, 1985. Featured top row, left to right: Andrew McQueen, Chris Bird, Mike Beach (Mechanic), Steve Kent, Ian Johns, Derek Payne, Paddy Boyle (Second Coxswain). Middle row, left to right: Len Patten (Coxswain), Tony Jefferies, Brian Ashdown (Second Mechanic), Rick Ward. Front row, left to right: Paul Legendre, Phill Corsi, Lol Deakin and Nick Gentry. Photo: Newhaven RNLI

4. SS Eastfield, 1909
SS Eastfield ashore at Beachy Head, 3 December 1909. Photo: Newhaven RNLI