People enjoying the heatwave in Eastbourne (Photo by Jon Rigby)People enjoying the heatwave in Eastbourne (Photo by Jon Rigby)
People enjoying the heatwave in Eastbourne (Photo by Jon Rigby)

In Pictures: Hundreds of residents enjoy the heatwave in Eastbourne

Hundreds of Eastbourne residents flocked to the beach to soak up the sun in the heatwave at the weekend.

Pictures show hundreds of residents at the beach enjoying the hot weather that came during the heatwave at the weekend (September 9 and 10).

Highs of 28C were felt in the town as the heatwave swept throughout the county.

With the hot weather set to continue into the next weekend, (September 16 and 17) many more residents are set to make their way to Eastbourne beach.

With the hot weather set to continue into the next weekend, (September 16 and 17) many more residents are set to make their way to Eastbourne beach.